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Need a Loan or Finance? Blacklisted?

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Need Personal Loan, but Blacklisted?

Loans for Bad Credit South Africa

Don't let the weight of bed credit shape the future of your financial identity. At iloans, we are all about providing loans to those who need it most, which in reality is most often individuals who have found themselves over-indebted, underpaid and ultimately unable to sustain the day-to-day costs of living or taking care of their family and loved ones.

Loans can become available to those with bed credit through a simple online application process. Our iloans team of financial experts will take the time to consider every loan application received and will also contact suitable loan applicants to start the process. If you are successful in your loan application through iloans, you will be presented with a repayment plan that not only suits your budget but also allows you to enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that there is a way out. The reality for many is that living expenses can outweigh income (even combined income), causing many to spiral into financial turmoil that can seem all consuming.

At iloans, we take care of individuals with bad credit without causing long term consequences to their already strained relationship with money. Our aim is to relieve you of the pressure that has been created by needing a loan and having bad credit in the first place.

Please note that all our lenders are registered with the National Credit Regulator (NCR).
